Chiropractor Questions Chiropractor

How does chiropractic help the immune system?

I am a 36 year old female. I want to know ow does chiropractic help the immune system?

9 Answers

By increasing white blood cells that help to fight infections
If chiropractic is defined as a profession, rather than just one of its many physical medicine therapies (identical to physical therapy), then it can boost the immune system through therapeutic exercise, a major part of chiropractic practices, certainly in mine. Chiropractic—despite attempts by some critics to reduce the profession to that— is NOT the same thing as spinal manipulation therapy (SMT). SMT is simply one of chiropractic’s many physical medicine therapies.

So, it is well known and generally accepted in medicine that exercise has a profound effect on the normal functioning of the immune system. For example, while prolonged periods of intensive exercise can depress immunity, regular moderate intensity exercise is beneficial to immunity. Single bouts of moderate intensity exercise are “immuno-enhancing”, and have been used to effectively increase vaccine responses in “at-risk” patients. Exercise is thought to do this by reducing inflammation, altering immune cell composition, and the reduction in psychological stress, to name a few benefits.

Beyond exercise, chiropractic treatment includes physical therapy modalities that can treat stress, musculoskeletal injuries and conditions, pain and other problems. The FDA recognizes chiropractic as a viable alternative to opiods.

I could go on. But yes, thechiropractic profession offers many treatments that reduce pain and stress, including therapeutic exercise, so therefore MUST enhance immunity.

Now, go get the COVID vaccine, because it is safe and effective. Was THAT the purpose of your question? If so, let me be clear: chiropractic will NOT prevent COVID-19 infection!

Get the vaccine! Save lives, maybe your own!
Studies have shown that spinal manipulation can release small, but statistically significant, elevations in endorphins, specifically beta-endorphins. Studies have also shown that endorphins along with enkephalins have many immune functions. In my practice, I also recommend dietary changes and whole food supplements that are specifically designed to help support the immune system.
Chiropractic has been shown to impact the nervous system on the level of efficiency of how it regulates everything in your body. Your entire body including your immune is controlled by your nervous system communication and chemical/hormone regulation to every single cell. So, when you have no interference to your nervous system communication, every cell and system functions better, including your immune system
Chiropractic is primarily concerned with the nervous system. The nerves control the bodily functions including the organs and glands that comprise the immune systems, such as the spleen, lungs, thymus, etc. If the nerve supply to one or more of these organs is being effected by a subluxated vertebrae then the immune system will be compromised. By adjusting the spine and removing the nerve interference the body can more effectively deal with challenges to its immune system. The main purpose of chiropractic is to restore and maintain a balanced nervous system, thereby obtaining optimal health.

Dr. Steven I. Brown, Chiropractor
Chiropractic helps the immune system through the adjustments. Our nervous system controls everything in our body. When you adjust the misalignment, you take away the impedance that is being put on that nerve, thus allowing the nervous system to function correctly. When the nervous system can function correctly, the immune system is allowed to function optimally along with other systems of the body.
Hope this helps!

Dr. Kortni

Maintenance chiropractic care maintains alignment of the spine, which may help optimize the body's function including immune response.
Possibly by relieving nerve pressure that helps control the immune system when the vertebrae are out of alignment.
The immune system is connected to the nervous system (brain and nerves). Chiropractic affects the proper functioning of the nervous system by way of correcting spinal alignment, tension, and function.