Emergency Physician Questions Emergency Physician

How does the ER treat sepsis?

My friend has sepsis and I want to take her to the ER. How does the ER treat sepsis?

2 Answers

People with sepsis are usually VERY sick.  They have high fever, their blood pressure is low, there heart rate (pulse is usually greater than 100 beats per minute),  they feel horrible, weak, lightheaded, feverish, sweaty.  They look and feel SICK!!!
As you might imagine, with those symptoms and signs, patients with sepsis who come to the ER are AGGRESSIVELY treated with IV fluids, strong antibiotics, medication to get their fever down, medication to get them comfortable (control their pain), and medication to treat the problem that caused their sepsis. (breathing treatments and oxygen if they have pneumonia causing their sepsis...for example).   
My advice is that you take your friend to the ER IMMEDIATELY (if not sooner) if you think they have sepsis.  They need immediate, aggressive medical treatment.
Sepsis is an end organ dysfunction . You only know that by testing. If they are sick they should go to the er for evaluation