“How is an overbite fixed?”
Since I've been young, I've had an overbite. I would like to know what can be done to correct this?
5 Answers
Once properly diagnosed, your problem can probably be solved by a combination of orthodontic treatment and possibly jaw surgery. Please visit you oral and maxillofacial surgeon for more information.
An orthodontist will be the place to start to diagnose why you're having this problem where it came from usually hereditary but sometimes habit-forming like prolonged sucking of the thumb when at the formative ages it is not monitored properly. Overbites are the vertical distance the top teeth cover the bottom teeth usually measured in percentage with 100% being the worst where the lower teeth are jammed against the roof of the mouth. It is often confused with overjet which is the horizontal distance the top teeth protrude from the face itself or the lower teeth are positioned in front of the upper cape sort of like a Dick Tracy type of profile and this is measured in millimeters positive or negative depending on what is present.
Overbites can be complicated and they are not all the same. I tend to agree with the opinion that overbites happen because of trauma to the jaw joint from a fall as a child. The lower jaw then does not grow to its full size creating the over bite. Orthodontics can usually make things much better, but wearing some form of retainer lifetime is typically necessary. Go see a good orthodontist and get a professional opinion.