Dentist Questions Dentist

How long after getting braces does the pain stop?

I am a 16 year old male. I want to know how long after getting braces does the pain stop?

4 Answers

The pain should resolve in a week or two as you readjust. And don't forget to wear your retainers!!!
It is unusual to have pain after removal of braces, sensitivity is a possibility, but pain is not common.
Thank you for reaching out,

Dr. Nelly
Usually, there should a reduction in pain after the first 2-3 days. Ibuprofen can help. The pressure that you feel is related to the forces on the teeth that go into the bone. Periodically, the orthodontist will change the wires and the forces will return, as will the pain.

Marc D. Thomas, DDS

Usually the pain goes away after a couple days. Thanks