Orthopaedic Surgeon Questions Orthopaedic Surgeon

How long are you non weight bearing after ankle fusion?

I am a 56 year old male. I want to know how long are you non weight bearing after ankle fusion?

8 Answers

It's hard to give an exact time, but on average, 3 to 6 months.
Following an ankle fusion, it's encouraged initially to have a cast applied, and one can use weight bearing crutches. Following removal of the cast, a brace is applied. Brace to be continued until the ankle fusion is complete. Should be noted that ankle fusion is notorious for delayed union, thus caution is needed.
This depends on bone quality and fixation. The better of each the less time until weight bearing. Your decision will depend on your surgeon and the other factors. However most surgeons will have you six weeks no weight and then progress to full weight based on radiologic findings. Good luck.
6-12 weeks, minimum
Usually, it’s based on the level of pain that you experience with “protected” weight bearing; so, after 2 weeks post-op, usually you may begin partial to full weight-bearing, BUT it is always PROTECTED with crutches or walker use at all times while up. Full weight-bearing without protection begins, at the earliest, 6 weeks post-op.
4-6 weeks without complications
Generally off of foot/ankle x 6-8 weeks post-op after ankle fusion. Depends on patient factors and surgeon preferences. Usually, off foot/ankle longer after ankle fusion vs. ankle replacement. Many things to consider. Make certain you are prepared either way for a period of safe non-weight bearing with visit to PT for pre-hab and after review of appropriate home safety equipment.

Dr. B. Clair
Varies according to technique and surgeon preference.