Orthopaedic Surgeon Questions Orthopedist

How long do you stay in hospital after hammertoe surgery?

I will have hammertoe surgery. How long do you stay in hospital after hammertoe surgery?

12 Answers

you dont
Hi! Hammertoe surgery is a same day type of procedure so you will leave the same day you have surgery.
Zero Days
It’s smbukatory
Hammertoe surgery is a day surgery procedure and patients go home the same day.
Hammer toe surgery can be done on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia. Depending on other medical conditions or multiple procedures staying in the hospital can be indicated to control those other medical conditions, pain, or address the lack of ability to maintain activities of daily living at home.
You. Need to-ask your surgeon
Hammertoe surgery is an outpatient procedure and doesn't require a hospital
overnight stay.
It is usually an outpatient surgery.

Hope it helps!!

Dr. Bose
This is usually an outpatient procedure with no hospital stay. I recommend you discuss this with your surgeon.
Hammertoe surgery is typically performed in the outpatient surgical center setting, which means you will likely go home the same day of your surgery.
Depends on surgeon. Some surgeons like my office you go home walking in the same day.
It is an outpatient surgery. You do not have to stay in the hospital.