“How soon after disc hernia treatment can I exercise?”
I have a disc hernia. How soon after disc hernia treatment can I exercise?
6 Answers
Great question! While full return to exercise without restriction depends on the severity and location of the herniation, I encourage my patients to start with very short bouts of exercise (walking 5-10 minutes) and scaling up from there after a week or two of their initial injury. There are more specific exercises to address herniations (Mckenzie techniques) but you would need a qualified provider to evaluate the injury and give you the correct exercises. As far as weight bearing activities, a physical therapist would be a good fit to scale you back into weight lifting.
The time frame depends on many factors. How herniated is the disc, what level is the disc herniation and what exercises are you trying to do. If you have a herniated disc it would be best to stay off weight bearing exercises.
It depends on the severity of your herniation. Strengthening the back is very important. Exercise with caution. If you feel increased back pain or increased leg symptoms, go easier. Just pay attention to your symptoms and try not to provoke too much.
As as we are in the completion of the Non Surgical spinal decompression package you can start immediately sometimes sooner if I give you the green light to begin. Dr Mark D Losagio Mark D. Losagio DC,DAABFE,DIBCN,DAAPM,FIACN Doctor of Chiropractic Board Certified American Board Of Forensic Examiners Board Certified Chiropractic Neurologist Board Certified American Academy Of Pain Management Fellow International Academy of Chiropractic Neurology P: (610) 865-8155 F: (610) 758-8998 www.lehighvalleydisccenter.com www.lehighvalleyneurodoc.com The information contained in this transmission may contain privileged and confidential information, including patient information protected by federal and state privacy laws. It is intended only for the use of the person(s) named above. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any review, dissemination, distribution, or duplication of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply email and destroy all copies of the original message.
That would depend on how you are managing your herniation and how much pain you are experiencing. Disc herniation typically take 6-8 weeks to heal with consistent chiropractic care and 13 or more weeks without chiropractic care. Some people experience significant pain while others have no symptoms with a disc herniation at all. Overall, I would recommend taking things easy for a minimum of 6-8 weeks and easing your way back into your routine. Start with light exercises and slowly work your way to more intense activities. If pain persists, starts or increases reduce your activity.