Orthopedist Questions Orthopedist

How long does a rolled ankle take to heal?

I am a 40 year old female. I want to know how long does a rolled ankle take to heal?

4 Answers

3-4 weeks as long as you don't re-injure it in the meantime. Take advil, 3 tabs with each meal. Wear a brace to make sure you don't re-injure your ankle.

Hope it helps!!

Dr. Bose
This depends on the extent of injury, previous history of injury, general health and other reasons. Most simple ankle sprains heal in 3-6 weeks. However some take longer. First get rid of tenderness, swelling and general pain. Then work on range of motion and general strenghthening. Finally balance and return to sports. A good therapist is a valuable asset. If after 6 weeks no improvement should definitely see an orthopedic surgeon if you have not. Good luck.
Every injury is different. It also depends on how good the treatment is. Average recovery is in weeks, not months.
Depends on the severity. If it is a minor sprain within a couple of weeks you should show a lot of improvement. If it was a severe sprain with a lot of swelling and black and blue ecchymoses and difficulty putting weight on the ankle at the beginning of the injury, it is likely more severe case and should be professionally evaluated with an examination and x-rays. The more severe sprains may take months before full healing is achieved