Gastroenterologist Questions Gastroenterologist

How long does a stomach ache last?

I am a 26 year old male. I want to know how long does a stomach ache last?

5 Answers

It depends on the cause. Diagnosis should be made by a physician first.
This is highly variable. There is no simple answer since there are so many possible causes of stomach aching. Pain can last for seconds, hours or days.
It depends what the origin of the pain is. If it is indigestion and having fullness and pressure in the upper portion of the abdomen, it usually happens after meals and improves after a few hours, which can be shortened by anti-acids or gas medication. In more serious conditions such ulcer or gallbladder stones, it will recur unless the patient is diagnosed and receives therapy for ulcer or having the gallbladder removed. In acute pancreatitis, the pain is more severe, associated with occasional nausea and vomiting, and is steadily radiating to the left upper flank and back, and needs stronger pain medication to get temporary relief, but might stay for several days. Chronic pain in the upper abdomen in older people in combination with poor appetite and weight loss might signal the development of cancer of the stomach or pancreas, which needs investigation such as a CAT scan of the abdomen or upper endoscopy to find the diagnosis.

It all depends on the cause of your pain, which are many. If the pain is severe and/or frequent, I recommend an evaluation with a gastroenterologist. 
A stomach ache can be a minor issue like flatulence (gas) or can be a more complex problem. If you experience a stomach ache for more than two days, seek medical attention. If pain recur off and on, you should schedule an appointment with your PCP or GI.