Gastroenterologist Questions Gastroenterologist

Why does my stomach hurt after eating sauces?

My stomach hurts bad after eating sauces. What could be the cause? Should I see a doctor?

4 Answers

Yes visit your doctor. Please stop eating sauce.
When we say sauces are we talking about spicy? And you say hurt would it before before a raw aching pain? This could potentially be a combo of things most likely Acid reflux or GERD. However it could be intolerance to lactose If the sauces are made with milk. Try avoiding sauces all together and it sounds like that may fix you right up! ;)
It certainly depends on what type of sauces you are referring to. Some people can be very sensitive to tomatoes and their acidity. Some people can have problems with acid reflux and spicy sauces can cause stomach pain. And sometimes other additives like certain dyes or processed ingredients can cause stomach upset. If your stomach pain is causing lots of vomiting or if you are losing weight unintentionally, then you should absolutely see a doctor. Otherwise, you may want to try some different sauces to see if there is one that is gentler on your stomach.
There is no reason that sauces, in and of themselves, would cause pain. It might be the fact that the sauces are rich or high in calories, or part of a heavy meal that would result in stomach sensitivity or maybe gallbladder contraction against a stone. I would need to know more details about the pain.