Anesthesiologist Questions Anesthesia

How long does anesthesia last?

I am getting local anesthesia for wisdom teeth removal. How long will it last?

8 Answers

That depends on the local anesthetic given and the time of administration. Typically, the numbness persists for several hours after surgery.
Depends on what is used and for how long. If it's propofol it is usually about 30-60 min after procedure is finished
Approximately a few hours for standard dental injections
If bupivacaine is used then it would last 3-4 hours
Usually a few hours depending on the type of local anesthetic used. If it’s lidocaine, about three hours; if it’s a bupivacaine, it can be 4 to 6 hours.
Depends on which local anesthetic your dentist uses. Articaine, prilocaine, lidocaine, bupivacaine all have different durations
2 to 3 hrs
That depends on the agent used for the local anesthesia. Your dentist should be able to tell you the half life of the drug and whether it is highly protein bound. The longer half life and higher protein bounding will result in increased length of analgesia.