Pediatrician Questions Pediatrician

How long does it take for a child to get over bronchitis?

My son is 5 years old and he has bronchitis. How long does it take for a child to get over bronchitis?

4 Answers

Bronchitis is inflammation of the bronchi which are the larger airways in the chest. The length of time someone is sick depends on the cause of the inflammation. It can be bacterial, viral, allergic, or environmental from smoke or fire. When your health care provider checks your child discuss what they think the cause is and what the expected recovery time is as well as what signs and symptoms to watch for to have a return visit.
This is an answer to the question “how long does it take for a child to get over bronchitis.” The answer is not simple. First of all, I would question the diagnosis of “bronchitis.” This diagnosis is seldom made in pediatrics, so does your child have asthma? That would be my first answer. Second, most “bronchitis” is caused by viruses and children with a cough caused by a viral bronchitis will cough up to 2-3 weeks. Third, if symptoms are associated with fevers, then concerns are that the child may have pneumonia and your child may need a chest X-ray and/or antibiotics. Please follow up with your doctor for persistent cough beyond 3 weeks, or if the child has fever (defined as a temp above 100.4 degrees F, or 38 degrees C).

Dr. K

Maybe a few days up to a week of cough
5 yr old typically do not have bronchitis. Unfortunately this term has been used for many years for no good reason. When examined carefully these children have asthma. Proper treatment for asthma is imperative to prevent long-term damage to the lungs. Bronchitis remains a disease of older age, and shall not be confused with children's conditions, and shall also not be used as a convenient excuse to prescribe antibiotics for the common cold.