Dentist Questions Dentist

How long does it take for dentures to stop hurting?

I wear dentures already 2 weeks. They still hurt. How long does it take for dentures to stop hurting? What should I do?

5 Answers

Dentures should not dentures will cause sore spots, but unlike shoes dentures do not "break in"... you need to contact your dentist and get the denture adjusted. This is to be expected and usually there is no cost to the adjustment. Sometimes it can take a couple of visits before the dentures are completely comfortable.
Most of the time, it is not uncommon to need several adjustments on your denture as there may be areas where it is rubbing tissue. You should follow up with your dentist.
Dentures are comparable to new shoes - it takes some time to get comfortable in them. If you have not already, you need to go back to your dentist for an adjustment of the denture causing sore spots. With a proper adjustment, it takes around 3 weeks to get used to the denture.

Monika Tyszkowski, DDS
If your denture hurts, return to the dentist who made the dentist so it can be adjusted so it fits properly and does not rub against the gums causing irritations that may be painful.
What to do if your dentures hurt. New dentures can take around two to four weeks to settle properly. It's not unusual to experience some tenderness or discomfort at first.