Chiropractor Questions Chiropractor

How long does it take to realign your spine?

I am a 30 year old male. I want to know how long does it take to realign your spine?

6 Answers

I have not seen research that definitiively shows lasting 'realignment' with 'spinal correction' however you dont need a picture perfect spine. You need to be functional so you can live the life you want.
Depends on how bad the alignment is and how healthy your response to adjustments are. Some can occur within a few visits and others take longer to adjust.
There are many factors involved in realigning your spine. How long has your spine been misaligned and to what degree?What activities do you do that influence your spinal alignment? What is your diet and exercise regime? What genetic factorsare involved? How is your day to day posture? How often do you sit/drive/ stay in one position for too long? Get the picture?  It's impossible to honestly answer your question.  To perform an adjustment it can take a millisecond or many minutes depending on the technique that the chiropractor uses. But at the very least the adjustment puts the misaligned vertebra in the proper position and increases mobility and flexibility in the patient's spine. The rest is up to you.
Dr. Steven I. BrownChiropractor

Cambridge Chiropractic Office
129 Mount Auburn Street 
Cambridge, MA  02138
(617) 492-0009
It really depends on how misaligned it is. If there are only a few subtle misalignments, it may only take 2-3 adjustments. However, if there are problems with pelvic/ hip unleveling and/ or scoliosis, complete alignment may never happen. In the latter case, treatment may be lifelong with the goal being to get the spinal joints as close to normal in position and motion patterns as possible. Every case is different. Hope this info is helpful.
This is a great question to ask. you must note that there are a lot of factors that will determine how quickly one responds to chiropractic care. No one person’s body is the same. Normally people in their 20s and 30s respond quicker but that will depend if your body and you following the recommendations of your chiropractor. Everything takes time.
It depends on how severe the misalignment is and if you are correcting the behavior that contributed to it in the first place. I have some patients who are dentists. They typically get neck and upper back pain on the same side of their body. They choose to get relief from consistent and periodic chiropractic adjustments because they are always on the same side of the dentist chair rotated the same way day after day for years on end.