Chiropractor Questions Chiropractor

Why do chiropractors check leg length?

I am a 25 year old female. I want to know why do chiropractors check leg length?

12 Answers

Good question! One of the main reasons is it gives us a clue if your pelvis may be out of alignment. There are other possible causes as well.
We check leg length because uneven legs may cause knee pain, back pain etc
Leg length is determined both anatomically and physiologically. Anatomical leg length is evaluated via X-ray and is very important information as an anatomical short leg will cause imbalances in how your body is able to relate relative to gravity. Anatomical short leg of more than 5 millimeters can cause spinal curvatures and lead to scoliosis. Physiological short legs are evaluated laying face down or face up and are caused by imbalances in spinal muscular tone which can be caused by many issues including upper cervical misalignment, pelvic imbalance, muscle strain etc. Leg length is a very important part of the information needed to properly care for our patients and your chiropractor should understand and evaluate you for both types.
Simple biomechanics.How common is a short leg?
Some research indicates that 40–70% of people have some form of leg length discrepancy (LLD). The differences in leg length can range from a fraction of an inch to several inches. The greater the difference, the more likely it is that the person will experience issues with gait, posture, and pain. This is one of the most leading causes of scoliosis in children that go untested as them mature into adult hood. And increases spinal instability in the future with potential back pain.
Leg checks are used by many Chiropractors to get a measure of muscular tension and neurological interference. It can also indicate the primary area to start with, usually either your neck or lower back and pelvis area. Since you are laying on the Chiropractic table your body may
indicate even (balanced) posture in your neck, shoulders, and pelvis and your Chiropractor will see a difference in your leg length whereas when you are standing with your feet on level ground, then the interferences will show uneven levels in your neck, shoulders, and pelvis. If a chiropractor does not use the leg length examination technique, their technique will use other testing techniques.
A leg check helps a chiropractor to assess the areas of the spine that need
to be addressed on this particular visit.

Leg length is one test chiropractors use to see how “aligned” ones spine is. There are many factors that can make someone appear to have a leg length discrepancy so it’s not a fool proof test. It can be helpful as one of many tests.
One of the reason that chiropractors check leg length is because a short leg means you have a posterior inferior ilium on that side, which ends up pulling top of ilium up, PSIS down and Ischial tuberosity more in. The chiropractors then go to point of reference on top of ilium, PSIS and ischial tuberosity to check for that. They also can tell by reviewing x-ray. Second reason is brain is not firing down as strong as it should to PMRF center in Pons to inhibit muscle tone on the same side, creating increase tone of anterior muscles above T6 and posterior muscle below T6. causing increase tone of hamstring which ends up pulling the ilium posteriorly. Third one can use short leg testing as a muscle testing to plan for their treatments. Their are many reason for this and it depends to your chiropractor. I like to congratulate you for getting chiropractic care. I hope it helped!
Leg length can mean either that your pelvis is stuck in a position, causing the leg length difference, or you could have legs that have grown 2 different lengths. It’s usually the 1st reason, and that can be fixed with an adjustment.
If length is not even, it could indicate you have instability in your spine.

Dr. Viernow
Checking leg length is a useful diagnostic indicator to assess function and position of the low back and pelvis.
The short answer is that because the legs attach to the pelvis at the hip, a rotated pelvis will reveal a leg length discrepancy. A rotated or misaligned pelvis at the sacroiliac (SI) joints is the leading cause of back pain and can lead to more serious lumbar spine issues due to prolonged pelvic tilting. Simple SI joint adjustments properly realign the SI joints by adjusting the pelvis and/or sacrum, thus leveling the pelvis, sacrum, and the lumbar vertebrae.