“How long does it take to recover from eyelid surgery?”
I will have eyelid plastic surgery. How long does it take to recover from eyelid surgery?
7 Answers
In my hands, the average patient recovers from eyelid surgery, and as little as 3 to 5 days. That being said, I still have them maintain light activity for the first two weeks due to the risk of bleeding. If you would like to further discuss in a virtual consultation you can direct message me on Instagram @DrDaddyK
It depends on the type of eyelid surgery you are having done. I remove my sutures in the first week and allow patients to return to exercise at 1-2 weeks depending on their procedure. Bruising may be minimal, but it may also last for 2 weeks depending on what was done.
Respectfully, it depends on the extent of the eyelid surgery, ie. upper and low, vs. only upper vs only lower eyelids..or if skin only vs pseudo fat herniation vs muscle ....and the exact diagnosis i.e pseudo fat herniation vs. dermatochalasis vs. blepharochalasis, vs malar bags etc etc..In general one week of swelling/bruising and eye care...i generally recommend "out of work " convalescent leave w/o strenuous activity for 7 days postop.
Recovery from eyelid surgery is actually a bit shorter than many other cosmetic procedures. There can be swelling and bruising after this operation, however this is easily covered with sunglasses. Usually upper eyelid sutures are removed within 5 to 7 days after surgery. Most individuals return to work from home one or two days after surgery and return to outside activities approximately one week after surgery. However complete resolution of swelling usually takes between 2 to 3 months.
Incisions will be -80% healed and most bruising would be expected to resolve after 3 weeks. Scar maturation and edema will continue to improve over 6-12 months.