Plastic Surgeon Questions Plastic Surgeon

How long does pain last after rhinoplasty?

I had a rhinoplasty 6 weeks ago. My nose still hurts. Is this normal?

3 Answers

The pain will last from 36 to 72 h usually but do to the fact that Dr. TAS use Aromatique rinoplasty its so smoothy so the person wont have much pain and it’s possible to be longer if the nose manipulated or bumped. The nose will stay tender and sensitive for up to three months.
The pain is relevant to the surgeon, the procedure, and how you follow the post-operative instructions. No matter who does it, a major operation on the nose has pain. The instructions you get the help you manage this. A properly done procedure with the patient following the post-surgery instructions will minimize the problems and the pain. Follow the instructions and with a surgeon with experience, you should do just fine. So, go to an experienced surgeon, follow the post-njhoperative instruction and you should be fine.
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Without knowing more, the short answer is 'yes'. Most patients should be off pain medication, at the very least, though.

You are still only six (6) weeks out. While most postoperative rhinoplasty discomfort should be resolved by now, you could still have focal areas of tenderness, particularly if osteotomies (rebreaking of the nasal bones) were done. Are you still requiring pain medication to get by? If that is the case, your pain may be disproportionate or out of the ordinary for a rhinoplasty postop patient.

One would need to see your surgeon's Operative Note to know what was done in detail to say with certainty whether you should be expecting some residual discomfort a month and a half out from surgery.

Talk to your original surgeon for guidance! Otherwise, hold the faith, stay patient, and be hopeful that all residual pain issues will resolve over time.

[To compare: nasal swelling, called edema, can persist for up to 9-12 months postop, for example, particularly in the nasal tip area.]

Nirav B. Patel, MD, JD, FACS, FCLM
Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon
Plastic, Reconstructive, Aesthetic, & Oculoplastic Surgery

Patel Plastic Surgery, LLC
11459 Johns Creek Parkway
Suite 240
Johns Creek, GA 30097

Office 470-395-6932
Fax 470-395-6951
Cell 203-710-9952