“How long does tennis elbow take to heal?”
I was diagnosed with tennis elbow. Is it serious? How long does the tennis elbow take to heal?
4 Answers
Tennis elbow is a tendon damage problem and can vary from minor damage to a full tear. Most cases are mild to modest damage.The damage includes compromised blood supply (heart attack of tendon).Treatment includes rehab exercise, illuminate overuse, counterforce bracing, pain control(meds-sometimes cortisone injection),surgery on rare occasions. Even with the a good program the average case can linger for months.
Reference: the book ”Arm Care”
Robert P. Nirschl, M.D.,M.S.
Reference: the book ”Arm Care”
Robert P. Nirschl, M.D.,M.S.
Tennis elbow (technically called lateral elbow epicondylitis) is an inflammation of the tendons that attach to the bony prominence on the outside of your elbow. Several tendons that are responsible for extending your wrist and fingers come together to attach at this point. It is a very common condition, which can take several weeks to resolve. Recommended treatments are a forearm band placed about an inch from the elbow crease, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen or Aleve, and activity modifications to avoid activities that involve extending the wrist and fingers (especially with weight).
Hope this helps.
Dr. Faulkner
Hope this helps.
Dr. Faulkner