“What helps with rounded shoulders?”
I have a rounded shoulder. What helps with rounded shoulders?
2 Answers
I will be out of the office starting 04/26/2024 and returning on 05/08/2024, I will not have access to emails or calls. If you have any immediate questions or concerns please feel free to reach out to Ashton at 281-517-8515 or agrace@advancedosm.com
It depends on what the cause of the rounded shoulders is. If you have a condition called postural round back or muscular imbalance where the muscles in the back are weak, and the muscles in the front are tight, you can probably probably improve the condition with stretching exercises for the chest muscles and exercises to build the strength of the muscles on the back. There are also conditions that result in collapsing of the bone and disc in the mid back, which result in a rounded back posture. Those conditions, such as Scheuermann’s disease, require an evaluation by a spine surgeon. In general, it’s always best to seek the opinion of an Orthopaedic Spine Surgeon, so that your spine can be evaluated along with the musculoskeletal system in general to identify the cause of your abnormal posture. They can better help to recommend a treatment strategy to address and hopefully improve your condition.