Family Practitioner Questions Ophthalmologist

How long is an eye retina exam?

My daughter will have an eye exam. How long is an eye retina exam?

7 Answers

Everyone is different. Currently we can dilate your eyes and we can also take wonderful retinal photos at your local optometrist
About 15 minutes once dilated drops put in. Then, about 15 minutes for the actual exam.
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This depends on what kind if practice you are going to. If you are going to a retina specialist ophthalmologist, some practices disclose to patients before the appointment to expect 2-3 hour exam times and dilation. Dilation alone will take 15-20 minutes before the doctor can examine your eyes.
A retina exam requires the eyes to be dilated. If this is the first time you are seeing this doctor, the exam process will likely take at least one hour, sometimes longer. If there is a problem you could be there much longer.
Depends on how fast the doctor works . I can do it in under 20 mins
Depending on your daughter’s age and ability to complete certain preliminary testing, routine eye exams normally range from 20 minute to 60 minutes. Sometimes for smaller children, eye exams will be split in to two visits to make sure the child doesn’t get over tired or overwhelmed. If dilation is required, this tends to extend the eye exam anywhere from 20-40 minutes.
An average eye exam lasts approximately 45 minutes to an hour and a half. If your eyes are being dilated in order to check the internal structures of the eyes including the retina, dilating drops are used. You usually have to wait approximately 1/2 hour in order for the drops to work, then the actual dilated retinal/fundus exam may take 15 minutes to 1/2 hour. After the dilated exam, your eyes will be blurry and sensitive to light until the drops wear off, so I would bring a pair of sunglasses to wear. If your daughter is of driving age, she should not drive after being dilated. Good luck and best wishes.