Dentist Questions Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon

How long is recovery from dental bone graft?

I will have a dental bone graft. How long is recovery from dental bone graft?

3 Answers

Hello, Without knowing specifically what type of bone graft you are getting, it is a bit challenging to answer this question.  There are four main types of bone grafts: 1)  Socket Preservation -  this is a bone graft used to replace bone after a tooth has been extracted.  It fills the void left by the extracted tooth and prevents the sides of the socket from caving in 2)  Ridge augmentation -  If you have been missing teeth for a while, the supporting jaw bone may be thinner than it was before you had teeth extracted. Ridge augmentation increases the width and volume of the bone so it can provide a stable foundation for the placement of implants or other dental procedures 3)  Sinus Lift - If your upper back teeth are missing, the sinuses can drop down and invade the space once occupied by the tooth roots. This procedure raises the sinus back to its proper position to facilitate the placement of dental implants 4) Periodontal Bone Graft -  Infections from gum disease can erode the bone that supports the teeth.  A periodontal bone graft is placed around an existing tooth to reduce mobility and  provide additional support. Though you will probably feel back to normal within a week or two, complete dental bone graft healing can take between three to nine months, possible longer depending on the type of graft, the area in which the graft was placed and your bodys healing capacity.
Usually bone grafts take 6-8 weeks to heal.
Most often the initial healing, swelling and discomfort dissipates by 3 weeks. Full bone integrations and maturation take 4-6 months.