Dentist Questions Dentist

Why does my tooth hurt months after a deep filling?

I am a 28 year old female. My tooth hurts months after a deep filling. Why does my tooth hurt months after a deep filling?

6 Answers

Hi, It is possible for the tooth to hurt after a deep filling due to a nerve being present in the tooth. If it continues to hurt, the tooth needs to be looked at for possible further treatments.
When you get deep cavity and you get filling the tooth could become symptomatic since the filling is close to the nerve as a result there is possibility of root canal if the symptom doesn’t go away after 4-6 weeks
There could be several different reasons. It may be as simple as adjusting your bite or you may need a root canal. You should see a dentist ASAP!

David M. Garazi, DMD
When a cavity is very large, and a "deep filling" is placed, there is always a chance that the nerve will become quite irritated or infected, which will possibly necessitate a root canal. In this case, I would recommend going back to the dentist who placed the filling and have them evaluate the tooth to advise you on what steps need to be taken to alleviate the pain.

If you are no longer seeing the dentist who placed the filling, any general Dentist will be able to assess and help you get out of pain.
You may need a root canal or a crown
Likely, it is from inflammation from the nerve of the tooth. Contact your dental office.