“How long should you rest with a sprained ankle?”
I sprained my ankle. How long should you rest with a sprained ankle?
9 Answers
If you sprained the ankle depending on the stage of the sprain. It can take 1-2 weeks or 2-4 weeks or 6 weeks but can start exercises with resistant bands and range of motion and use red light therapy
It all depends on the severity of the sprain. Some can heal in a few weeks others may take up to 6-8weeks. If you are still having pain and/or swelling that last longer than 2 weeks, I would recommend seeing your local podiatrist
Sprained ankles take different times to heal. Depending on the severity of the sprain. The more severe/more damage to the soft tissue the longer it will take to heal.
It can range from a few weeks to a few months, depending on how many ligaments are damaged. An MRI is the best way to determine how many ligaments were torn and how much rest is indicated.
There are different types of ankle sprains.
Some can take up to 6-8 weeks of non-weightbearing. . Others can be treated with bracing and PT.
Some can take up to 6-8 weeks of non-weightbearing. . Others can be treated with bracing and PT.