Dentist Questions Dentist

How long will my teeth hurt after braces?

I am a 17 year old male. I want to know how long will my teeth hurt after braces?

5 Answers

this will vary, usually two to three days of tenderness, sometimes a week, longer than that is most unusual. generic pain relievers work well for that short time.
The teeth should not hurt after completed treatment with 'braces' because the brackets are removed from the teeth and no longer cause movement.
Usually peaks 24 hrs, and can last 2-3 days... but take the advil and tylenol before.
Hi, the answer to this question depends. Usually the adjustment period after your braces are placed is 7-10 days. However, you will likely not be "sore" for that long but will take that long to get used to and adjust to your new braces. I hope this helps. Dr. B
Not long after finished treatment couple of weeks