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How many days is recovery after gallstone surgery?

I was diagnosed with gallstones. How many days is recovery after gallstone surgery?

5 Answers

Typically for a routine uncomplicated outpatient laparoscopic cholecystectomy (a gallbladder day surgery), you should expect to be back to a non-physical job in about 1 week. Wesley Marquart, MD, DABS
Routine gallstone surgery is outpatient and laparoscopic. Uncomplicated surgery recovery is a breeze. Up and about after 2 weeks and can be back to work or normal activities as before surgery. Pain level is 5 in the scale of 1-10 and will not require narcotics after at least 3 days.
The standard of care for gallstones is a laparoscopic cholecystectomy. For an uncomplicated cholecystectomy is a one day hospital stay for pain control then no lifting >10 lbs for at least 2 weeks. Full recovery is usually after 4-6 weeks in an otherwise healthy patient.
The recovery is very specific to each individual and the reason the surgery was performed. In general, I tell most patients that with a multimodal pain management plan you will experience expected post-operative pain that is controlled with medications and will gradually improve to only mild discomfort with certain movements of the course of 1-2 weeks. I keep my patients with weight lifting restrictions of no more than 20lbs for 2 weeks after surgery.

his is a general answer and may not directly apply to your. It is important to consult with your surgeon regarding your specific situation.
The body takes a minimum of 6-12 weeks to heal.