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How much is too much?

I drink every day, 1 to 2 four lokos a day but never more than that. Is it killing me?

Female | 35 years old
Complaint duration: 4 years
Medications: None
Conditions: None

4 Answers

Hello. Four Lokos has varying alcohol content depending on the flavor. The size of the cans vary. Artificial colors, flavors and stimulants added to the beverage are not healthy. I can not answer if this beverage is killing you. You have concerns so look closer and see a primary care provider and get evaluated by an addiction counselor to get a better idea of what this beverage is doing to you. Dr. Dixie
Lokos have 6 to 14% alcohol any consistent intake of alcohol will hurt a fetus in a pregnant lady. Are you able to stop with no issues? Less is much better for you . What are you using the Lokos for? Don’t mix them with any medications please…
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I think zero alcohol is better. However, not every person who drinks is an alcoholic. That said, if the drinking is not causing negative things to happen in your life, and you are not drawn to dinking more and more to get the desired effect—I would say just keep an eye on it and make sure it does not take over your life.
The recommended safe limit for drinking in women is no more than 1 standard drink per day, and you are exceeding that. A recent study by a reknowned expert in the field, Dr. Henry Kranzler, showed that brain damage can be seen with even smaller doses of alcohol. Alcohol can do a great deal of damage without killing someone. See your primary care provider for evaluation and advice.