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Donald Wayne Johnson

Addiction Medicine Specialist | Addiction Medicine

Donald Johnson is a Certified Alcohol Drug Counselor III (CADC III).  Donald Johnson currently works at Fortuna Open Door Community Health Center as the AOD Counselor on site.  Donald Johnson coordinates the Medication Assissted Treatment (Suboxone) program at Fortuna Open Door, but also sees anyone who has any addiction issue.
13 years Experience
Donald Wayne Johnson
  • Fortuna, California
  • Humboldt State University
  • Accepting new patients

How can you help with alcohol addiction?

Hello, Your statement and question: "I have an alcohol addiction. How can you help with alcohol addiction?" First, may I say this is brave coming out with you truth saying you READ MORE
Hello, Your statement and question: "I have an alcohol addiction. How can you help with alcohol addiction?" First, may I say this is brave coming out with you truth saying you have an alcohol addiction. Second, I can help by suggesting you go to your primary care physician and ask for help. Don Johnson

Exercise after cocaine use?

The cochineal is a scale insect in the suborder Sternorrhyncha, from which the natural dye carmine is derived. A primarily sessile parasite native to tropical and subtropical South READ MORE
The cochineal is a scale insect in the suborder Sternorrhyncha, from which the natural dye carmine is derived. A primarily sessile parasite native to tropical and subtropical South America through North America, this insect lives on cacti in the genus Opuntia, feeding on plant moisture and nutrients.

I caught my teenage son with prescription pills?

Hello, To be completely realistic and honest there is no way for this writer to say if he is or is not addicted to prescription medication, as I do not have his history. You cannot READ MORE
Hello, To be completely realistic and honest there is no way for this writer to say if he is or is not addicted to prescription medication, as I do not have his history. You cannot stop him stopping is a job for him to first decide to do, and then he might want to seek professional help with this task.

What are signs of a heroin addiction?

Hello, Actually, this sounds more like a stimulant than a depressant. Heroin is a depressant and is characterized by pin pointed pupils, rough voice (like the person just woke READ MORE
Actually, this sounds more like a stimulant than a depressant. Heroin is a depressant and is characterized by pin pointed pupils, rough voice (like the person just woke up), the person is continually scratching their nose and often “sick.” Methamphetamine, on the other hand, is more what you described.

Don Johnson, CADC III: AOD Counselor

Drug test for Adderall?

Hello, Generally, Adderall is detectable for 72-96 hours after last use.

Does my son need to go to support group or rehab for alcohol?

Treatment in a residential treatment center is a very good start, of course, depending upon the individual’s addiction length and severity. Support groups, whether instead of treatment READ MORE
Treatment in a residential treatment center is a very good start, of course, depending upon the individual’s addiction length and severity. Support groups, whether instead of treatment or started during treatment, in my opinion, can only help. Finding a counselor for weekly one-on-one counseling is also a good thing. One-on-one counseling gives the individual an outlet for all of those feelings and life problems and a safe place to be worked out. I hope this helps.

Don Johnson, CADC III: AOD Counselor
Preferred Pronoun: He, Him, His (What is This)<>
Open Door Community Health Centers
Fortuna Community Health Center
3750 Rohnerville rd, Fortuna, Ca. 95540<x-apple-data-detectors://1/1><>

Can a Juul help me stop smoking?

Given the fact that stopping any addiction is not a passive thing, it is my opinion, that Juul could help only if you make a weaning plan and stick with it to the letter. If there READ MORE
Given the fact that stopping any addiction is not a passive thing, it is my opinion, that Juul could help only if you make a weaning plan and stick with it to the letter. If there is no plan you are just replacing smoking tobacco with smoking Juul.

Is cocaine really addictive?

Yes, cocaine is very addictive. This could end up being a long road for you if you stay with him. Recovery from narcotics is often interspersed with relapse and heartache. Good READ MORE
Yes, cocaine is very addictive. This could end up being a long road for you if you stay with him. Recovery from narcotics is often interspersed with relapse and heartache. Good Luck to you both.

Don Johnson, CADC III: AOD Counselor
Preferred Pronoun: He, Him, His (What is This)<>
Open Door Community Health Centers
Fortuna Community Health Center
3750 Rohnerville rd, Fortuna, Ca. 95540<x-apple-data-detectors://1/1><>

How much is too much?

I think zero alcohol is better. However, not every person who drinks is an alcoholic. That said, if the drinking is not causing negative things to happen in your life, and you READ MORE
I think zero alcohol is better. However, not every person who drinks is an alcoholic. That said, if the drinking is not causing negative things to happen in your life, and you are not drawn to dinking more and more to get the desired effect—I would say just keep an eye on it and make sure it does not take over your life.

Alprazolam 0.25mg discontinuance?

Hello, When discontinuing any medication it is always best to do so with the help of the prescribing doctor; but especially when that medication is a benzodiazepine like Xanax READ MORE
Hello, When discontinuing any medication it is always best to do so with the help of the prescribing doctor; but especially when that medication is a benzodiazepine like Xanax is.

What can you do for nicotine addiction?

Possible solution, see if this works for you, set a quit date for a year out, cut your intake by switching from full flavor to lights to ultra lights (and you cannot cut the filters), READ MORE
Possible solution, see if this works for you, set a quit date for a year out, cut your intake by switching from full flavor to lights to ultra lights (and you cannot cut the filters), break all habits around smoking. For instance, if you smoke right after eating wait indeterminate amounts of time and so on for all of you habits around smoking. Contact me again please.

Rapid drug test with false positives?

Dip Tests are actually just a baseline--if they show a positive for anything that is not supposed to be there--I talk to the patient and get their take. If the patient admits READ MORE
Dip Tests are actually just a baseline--if they show a positive for anything that is not supposed to be there--I talk to the patient and get their take. If the patient admits to using something I do not send it for confirm, but if the patient is adamant they have not used I send it for confirm. Most of the time it is a false positive and we just move on. It sucks I know, but until the technology is upgraded this is what we have to deal with. I am sorry this is happening to you.

Can medications give you a false positive on a drug test?

The probation office should not trust a "dip test" explicitly. The should automatically send it off for confirmation from a lab. The lab will be able to break it down so it is READ MORE
The probation office should not trust a "dip test" explicitly. The should automatically send it off for confirmation from a lab. The lab will be able to break it down so it is either confirmed fentanyl or whatever else it is.

Should I go to the ER?

Go to the Hospital please.

What are the methods to treat alcohol addiction?

It greatly depends on what, how much and how often you drink. If detox is indicated—a medical detox is recommended. After detox Vivitrol is a once a month injection that coupled READ MORE
It greatly depends on what, how much and how often you drink. If detox is indicated—a medical detox is recommended. After detox Vivitrol is a once a month injection that coupled with weekly (more if you need) works very well.

Should I go to the ER?

Please, if you haven’t already—go to the hospital and ask them to, when it is safe to do so, induce you on Suboxone.

Drug induced chest pain?

Very dangerous. When ever you are doing something that produces chest pain you should consult a cardiologist. Please seek out a cardiologist and stop smoking crack until you READ MORE
Very dangerous. When ever you are doing something that produces chest pain you should consult a cardiologist. Please seek out a cardiologist and stop smoking crack until you do.

Ativan advice?

I would say, trust what your doctor is suggesting. The deal is, if you do become dependent your doctor will ween you off so no discomfort happens.