Plastic Surgeon Questions Plastic Surgeon

How often should breast implants be checked?

I am a 30 year old female. I want to know how often should breast implants be checked?

6 Answers

The FDA recommends that silicon gel implants be changed every 10 years
Breast implants should always be checked if you notice any changes in size or shape. Also if you experience any pain or discomfort. Contact your surgeon immediately if you suspect there are any problems.

The FDA recommends that an asymptomatic patient with silicone breast implants should have either an ultrasound or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) at about 5-6 years post op. Additional screening should be done every two to three years after that. Always consult your surgeon if you have any questions or concerns about your breast implants.

Dr. Smita Ramanadham
I advise all of my patients to follow up with me on an annual basis just to check how they are doing and to reassure them. Some surgeons don’t follow up with their patients, which is unfortunate, but reputable surgeons will check in with their patients at regular intervals.
It is the day after the surgery, one week to take the sutures out, one month later, then only necessary for something questionable by the patient. This is, if everything is going well.
At age 30, unless family history of breast cancer or BRCA positive, only monthly breast self-examination for new lumps, masses, or changes indicated. If breasts and implants are soft, relatively symmetric, and you're happy with them, there is not any particular duration at which they should be checked or changed.