Gastroenterologist Questions Gastroenterologist

How quickly do you lose weight after a gastric sleeve?

I will have gastric sleeve surgery. How quickly do you lose weight after a gastric sleeve?

6 Answers

Excellent question. Weight loss begins the day you leave the hospital. Your calories will be extremely restricted for the first 4-5 weeks. At that point, you will be allowed to eat "regular food." Most people lose the majority of their weight during the first 9-12 months. It is at this time, that the body has transformed greatly, and it's important for patients to realize that it now requires far fewer calories to gain weight.
Your weight loss journey should begin BEFORE your surgery. You want to be at your best weight possible at the time of your surgery to reduce the potential risk of surgery. That being said, most patients start losing weight almost immediately after surgery. Everyone is different, but on average, around 10-15 pounds per month for first 3 months, then starts slowing down. Bariatric Surgery is a great tool to lose weight and become healthier!
You can expect to see weight loss after the first week of surgery of about 5-10 lbs a week. The wight loss will continue at a variable rate for the next 6 months to a year depending on how much you need to lose and how you maintain your diet.
A lot of depends on your starting weight. Men also tend to lose weight faster than women. I generally quote 20-40 lbs during month 1, 10-20 lbs per month during months 2 and 3, and 5-10 lbs per month during months 9-18.
Normally within first 4 weeks.
This is best answered by your surgeon or dietician but there are many websites that provide guidance: