“How quickly does acupuncture work?”
I am a 35 year old female. I want to know how quickly does acupuncture work?
29 Answers
We start with 6 sessions at 2x a week for 3 weeks. Everyone responses differently to treatment but usually expect you to be 30-40% better by the 6th session. Then we will taper down to every other week, so on and so forth.
Lejla Fazlicic
It depends on the time that you have a problem. Generally acute conditions respond faster than chronic.
All the best
Dr. Leila
All the best
Dr. Leila
Most people feel the effects of acupuncture immediately after treatment, but any individual treatment can take 24-48 hours to wear in on a case by case basis. Acupuncture also has a cumulative effect and a course or series of treatments is usually required to maximize results.
It depends on a few factors, one being how long you’ve had the condition. But usually you will see some relief for at least a short period after the first treatment.
Acupuncture is accumulative. Some people experience immediate improvements after one treatment, others may notice several days later. For chronic conditions, herbal custom therapeutics with 14-plus sessions of acupuncture may be required.
Acupuncture efficiency depends on the nature of the condition as well as the response the individual has to the Qi stimulation. Chronic conditions require more grouped together sessions to have a stronger affect whereas something like a stroke would be best treated immediately from the onset of attack. Also, individuals will vary in response to Qi stimulation like the
instance of acupuncture treatment or it may be delayed one week later. Usually, the first treatment is the strongest response felt and generally takes about 3-5 for a big difference noticed in acute cases or 7-10 for chronic conditions.
Live Happy,
instance of acupuncture treatment or it may be delayed one week later. Usually, the first treatment is the strongest response felt and generally takes about 3-5 for a big difference noticed in acute cases or 7-10 for chronic conditions.
Live Happy,
The question is a bit open-ended. It depends what acupuncture is being used for. Acupuncture can be used for virtually all health conditions, so the time frames vary. But for pain, acupuncture works within three seconds.
If you are getting acupuncture for pain issues, you might feel the effects within several hours of the treatment. If you get at least 50% pain reduction that lasts 2-3 hours, this is considered a success treatment. For non-pain issues like insomnia, stress, and digestion, it is harder to quantify a change, but you will feel better. Generally, you want to three successive treatments to see how acupuncture works for you. This helps the acupuncturist to get a better sense of how many treatments you need and how often you need to come in. Acupuncture is a therapy and like any therapy, the results of acupuncture are cumulative.
Thank you for reaching out with your question. Like Western medicine. It just depends on what your issue is and how long you’ve had it. Some conditions that are acute with little to no previous issues may be one visit. Something like chronic painful periods or unexplained fertility issues may take at least a 6 visits.
Best wishes,
Nicole Kruck
Thank you for reaching out with your question. Like Western medicine. It just depends on what your issue is and how long you’ve had it. Some conditions that are acute with little to no previous issues may be one visit. Something like chronic painful periods or unexplained fertility issues may take at least a 6 visits.
Best wishes,
Nicole Kruck
How quickly acupuncture works depends on the chief complaint of the patient. Typically, acute conditions resolve quicker and chronic conditions can take months to resolve. In my office, I do a consult with the patient and review their history and the main condition they want treated. Then, I develop an individualized treatment plan to meet their needs.
I hope this helps.
Thank you,
Dr. Rinehart, DACM
How quickly acupuncture works depends on the chief complaint of the patient. Typically, acute conditions resolve quicker and chronic conditions can take months to resolve. In my office, I do a consult with the patient and review their history and the main condition they want treated. Then, I develop an individualized treatment plan to meet their needs.
I hope this helps.
Thank you,
Dr. Rinehart, DACM
When you have the right diagnosis and right treatment principle. Accurate acupuncture point location. You can get instant relief. It depends on the practitioner.
Zhen Hu
Zhen Hu
In many cases, you feel the relief during the treatment, especially with pain, nausea, and headaches.
Honestly, it is a different time frame for everyone, also depends on what is being treated. As each person is an individual and no two patients exactly the same. Also depends on compliance if external “ work” is given. Hope this helps!
The time that acupuncture will take to work depends on the presentation of each patient. But in general terms you will see at least some results from the first session.
This is a difficult question to answer. Each person is very unique , therefore it might 2 or 3 visits to see or it might not work at all. This modality you asked about has helped me with headaches and backpain,
Depending on the condition being treated, there will a be reduction or elimination of symptoms after the first visit.
It varies depending upon what is wrong and how long a patient has been experiencing the pain. For example, is it chronic?
There is no straight answer to your question. Everything depends on the general patient's condition (genetics predeterminations, addictions and bad habits, obesity, lifestyle, etc), western and oriental diagnosis, environment, and more. For example, the acute lower back pain can be healed in one session, if the condition result of muscular strain or sprain. If however spinal hernia causes lower back pain treatment may take a few months.
Read more about acupuncture here: https://philaholisticclinic.com/acupuncture-near-me/
Read more about acupuncture here: https://philaholisticclinic.com/acupuncture-near-me/
Some people start to respond the first treatment. For others it takes a few treatments to start feeling results. Each person is different.

Mr. Anthony James Lorenzo
It really depends on the person. If you were born with a weak constitution, it takes longer, at your age. If not, you may see results in 2-5 treatments.
The result is to depend on chronologic illness, age of the patient, and severity of the condition. If it is not a very acute condition (for instance, it started this week), we recommend six visits to begin with.
You should’ve feel results immediately after receiving treatment. Depending on what the issue is, It may take many treatments to truly deal with your issue, but mostly everyone feels something on the first day.
That is different for everyone and depends on your condition, how long you've had it, and your compliance with your practitioner's treatment plan. That being said, you may feel improvement within the first treatment.
Somewhere around 5% of the population simply do not respond to acupuncture. It doesn't matter who they see or how many sessions they receive; acupuncture isn't much benefit.
For the other 95%, acupuncture can offer benefit, but how quickly a patient might see results is going to depend on the details of their health issue, how good the acupuncturist is, and how quickly that person responds to treatment. There are a lot of variables to this particular equation and it's very difficult to provide an exact answer - especially without seeing the patient and providing some level of diagnosis.
Most studies show an acupuncture loading dose being somewhere in the neighborhood of 8-10 treatments - usually spaced one week apart. Patients will typically start to see improvement in their issue about halfway through that course; somewhere around treatment 4 or 5.
For the other 95%, acupuncture can offer benefit, but how quickly a patient might see results is going to depend on the details of their health issue, how good the acupuncturist is, and how quickly that person responds to treatment. There are a lot of variables to this particular equation and it's very difficult to provide an exact answer - especially without seeing the patient and providing some level of diagnosis.
Most studies show an acupuncture loading dose being somewhere in the neighborhood of 8-10 treatments - usually spaced one week apart. Patients will typically start to see improvement in their issue about halfway through that course; somewhere around treatment 4 or 5.