Sharee Conrad
Sharee Conrad is an acupuncturist practicing in Sherman Oaks, and Topanga Ca. Sharee evaluates and treats patients based on the concepts of Both Chinese Medicine and Ayurvedic Medicine. Acupuncturists complete their evaluations by getting an extensive patient history and examining the body. Then, they place very fine acupuncture needles into specific points on the body. By creating micro injury with fine filaform needles these points are stimulating production of blood cells, hemoglobin, and nerves. Many of the bodys systems respond to acupuncture, and it can treat reproductive health, infertility, kidney disease, heart disease, physical pain, emotional stress, digestive disorders, aging and much more. Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine is also very wel known for strenthening the immune system, helping the body clear inflammation, auto immune flares, virus and bacterial infections, and can even treat and prevent Covid-19. Additionally Share works on lifestyle practices, nutrition, and supplementation throught health health and empowerment coaching with her patients.
Sharee Conrad
- Sherman Oaks, Ca
- Accepting new patients
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Numbness and tingling after acupuncture?
Why are you going so frequently? And where are they needling you?
How quickly does acupuncture work for stress relief?
Usually in the first treatment.
Back pain from the waist up?
It depends what type of pain you are in. You may be needles at the point of pain but likely you will be needles distally at points farther away from the pain like the arms and READ MORE
It depends what type of pain you are in. You may be needles at the point of pain but likely you will be needles distally at points farther away from the pain like the arms and legs.
How many acupuncture treatments are needed for acid reflux?
It really depend on the cause of the imbalance but it should start to help right away.
Can acupuncture lower creatinine?
Do you have any issues with your kidneys? Eat a high protein diet? Or do strenuous exercise regularly? There are many causes to high creatinine, acupuncture can help especially READ MORE
Do you have any issues with your kidneys? Eat a high protein diet? Or do strenuous exercise regularly? There are many causes to high creatinine, acupuncture can help especially when they have a strong foundation in nutrition and supplements. I have worked with a lot of this and dietary changes are going to make the greatest difference.
Is acupuncture good for anxiety and depression?
Yes, acupuncture along with herbal prescription for depression and anxiety can be really helpful and transformative.
How does acupuncture increase blood flow?
Through the use of tiny needle placed strategically along the body we create micro injury to the skin that not only increase flow and movement of blood and oxygen but also increases READ MORE
Through the use of tiny needle placed strategically along the body we create micro injury to the skin that not only increase flow and movement of blood and oxygen but also increases production of blood cells.
Does acupuncture help with blood circulation?
Yes, it does!
Can acupuncture help bloating?
Yes it can help correct the root cause of the digestive issues to strengthen, support, and eliminate gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, IBD, IBS, etc
Do you get immediate relief from acupuncture?
Depends on what the issue is sometimes yes, sometimes it takes time.
How long does it take for acupuncture to work for pain?
It can work right away
Does acupuncture cure male infertility?
It can help with low sperm production