Orthopaedic Surgeon Questions Orthopedist

How risky is back surgery for scoliosis?

I want to have surgery for scoliosis. How risky is back surgery for scoliosis?

1 Answer

Good evening. Thanks for sharing your scoliosis question with the FATD community. I am not sure how old you are. I am not sure of the reasons for your desire to get the surgery. I am not sure how bad the scoliosis is and how it affects you physically. Every surgery has risks: infection, nerve stretching or cutting, muscle cutting, blood clots, and inflammation. Inflammation can lead to pain, stiffness, swelling and redness. If you are going to a certified spine surgeon who does a lot of the procedures you are having, has been doing it for more than 5 years, has good bedside manner and are confident they can do it, then the risks other than the ones I mentioned are low. There are many variables that influence risk. I hope this helps and that you are ok with my answer.
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