Doctor Questions Doctor

How should I manage my cirrhosis?

I have stage 4 cirrhosis. When I bend my arms they go numb, when I sit on the toilet my legs go numb by 30 seconds. My stomach has been hurting bad for about a month now. This is all getting worse by the day. I see or talk to my Dr monthly. I am concerned and should I call for a sooner app or go to the hospital?

Male | 63 years old
Complaint duration: 1 month
Medications: gabapentin 400 mg 3 a day, sprilactolone 50mg 2 a day, nadolol 20mg 1 a day, pantoprazole 20 2 a day, furosemide 20mg 1 a day. alprazolam.25mg 2 a day, morphinr30mg 2 a day. bebedryl 2-4 a day. 0
Conditions: cirrohsis, copd, portal hypertension, coagulapathy, cryogobulinemic, immune complex glomerulnephritis, CKD stage 3, dyspnea, peripheral neuropathy hepathic encephalopathy, BPH, nocturia, LUTS, hematuria, arthritis, hemochromatosis.

2 Answers

You should go to the hospital immediately.
It sounds like you should call the on-call doctor at your doctor's office and let them know your symptoms. They may ask you to go to the ER, it sounds like you may need a possible paracentesis? And possibly following up to set up a schedule if the issue continues as is, especially with Stage 4 cirrhosis. Hope that helps.