“How to cope with obesity?”
I am obese. How to cope with obesity?
1 Answer
You know, that is a very difficult question. I hope you don't mind, but I want to rephrase your question. How to I cope while curing my obesity? I want everyone to not feel they are locked into obesity and then try and find a way to cope with it because it is impossible to cope knowing you are stuck. I battle with obesity, I have been to enough family reunions to know what my genetics are, so I have to look at it the exact same way.
There are treatments for obesity that are really promising. We have medications that have been around for 60 years and the new tirzepatide is a game changer as well. Since I am not your physician, I can't give you a specific treatment, but there are some that are working wonders for me and my patients. I would highly recommend that you find a bariatric doctor in your area: https://obesitymedicine.org/about/find-a-provider/
Working closely with a doctor who knows how to treat obesity will get you on a path, and it does take some work, to a healthier, happier you. Once you are down, don't think the body magically changes, there is a significant probability that you will need to be on something long term to maintain, but so worth it.
There are treatments for obesity that are really promising. We have medications that have been around for 60 years and the new tirzepatide is a game changer as well. Since I am not your physician, I can't give you a specific treatment, but there are some that are working wonders for me and my patients. I would highly recommend that you find a bariatric doctor in your area: https://obesitymedicine.org/about/find-a-provider/
Working closely with a doctor who knows how to treat obesity will get you on a path, and it does take some work, to a healthier, happier you. Once you are down, don't think the body magically changes, there is a significant probability that you will need to be on something long term to maintain, but so worth it.