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How to prevent my bracket from popping off while I sleep?

I was sleeping and woke up with a bracket missing. Should I be charged for this and can I prevent breaking another one?

Female | 16 years old
Complaint duration: 26/4/2021
Medications: none
Conditions: none

4 Answers

Some practices will charge to replace a bracket. There are devices like a bite wafer that act like a night guard to help prevent the bracket from popping off. Speak to your dentist about this.
Brackets are held in place by very strong cement. They should not easily come off under normal circumstances. You may be grinding your teeth, the cement may be weak or contaminated. This situation is very common and most orthodontist incorporate re-cementation of brackets into the Treatment. They may charge you if it becomes excessive. That will be determined by the orthodontist. There isn't anything you can really do to prevent it because it depends solely on the strength and integrity of the cement attaching them.
It sometimes happens. Your teeth are moving and sometimes the bite is changing and you may hit a bracket causing it to come off. It is my opinion that you should not be charged for this as it is part of orthodontic care.
Good afternoon,

Your brackets do not typically come off while sleeping, unless you are grinding or clenching your teeth, as your teeth align it becomes less frequent. Also, avoid food that is too hard since they might become loose while eating, then completely come off while sleeping. Now if the office is charging, it's the office's policy and every office is different.