“How to treat my mom's bad foot pain?”
Female | 71 years old
Complaint duration: 12/09/2021
Medications: Water tablets
Conditions: High cholestrol
13 Answers
FamilyPractitionerPodiatristAS far as the second part, if your mom don't want to see any medical professional, then there is something mental block going on. AT that point, your job is to find out what is the mental block, paint her the picture of if she doesn't take care of her ailments or delay, the longer and more severe the complications.
hope this helps.
You need to have a non-invasive vascular ultrasound done to look at the arteries and veins. After this, you can determine compression vs. diuretics.
Dr. Patel
It is really hard to give advice other than she needs to go to a doctor. She probably needs x-rays for evaluation. Does she wear good shoes or does she wear old and worn shoes. Where is the pain and what is the nature of the pain?