Pulmonologist | Pulmonary Disease Questions Pulmonologist

How/where can I get this procedure done?

Hey, I'm a daily smoker and have been wondering for a while now about this treatment commonly used for pulmonary edema. The recipient inhales a set amount of alcohol vapors for the purpose of clearing their lungs. The safety risks sound pretty manageable on a patient-to-patient basis and I'm wondering if you'd be able to shed some light on the procedure as far as effectiveness and obtainability are concerned. I'd like to try and implement it as a part of a somewhat regular bodily upkeep regimen.

Male | 23 years old
Complaint duration: N/A
Medications: N/A
Conditions: N/A

1 Answer

I apologize but this is far outside of my realm and scope of practice of medicine. Please find an intensive/pulmonologist to assist you with the appropriate care treatment follow-up guidance examination etc. I wish I could do more for you, but I don’t wanna lead you to a red herring and then have to start all over again. Thank you for asking me for your assistance and I wish I could’ve been a better service to you. God bless you and yours.

Be well, Brent Reinheimer, MD