“I am 27 years old. I have been having dizziness for the last week. Could it be a brain tumor?”
I am a 27 year old woman and I am having severe dizziness for the last week. I am having slight ache in my head also along with the dizziness. Could it be the sign of brain tumor? I am really worried. Please advise.
4 Answers
Richard Grant Hunter
I doubt a brain tumor. Unfortunately dizziness has many causes. The associated headache suggests it may be neurologic in origin. Usually it is something benign but you will need to see a neurologist or ENT physician to get it sorted out. Good luck.
Most times, it's a benign condition. If symptoms don't improve, you would benefit from visiting your local neurologist to make sure exam is normal.
There are many causes of dizziness, to include post-infectious, anxiety, dehydration, low blood sugar, cardiac rhythm abnormalities, and others.
Recommend you see your doctor, and get referral to Neurology if the symptoms persist.
Recommend you see your doctor, and get referral to Neurology if the symptoms persist.