“I forgot my retainer for 2.5 weeks will it still fit? ”
I’m on holiday for 15 days and I didn’t wear it a few days prior to leaving.
Will it still fit when I get back ?
Male | 19 years old
Complaint duration: 20
10 Answers
I recommend that you set up an appointment with your orthodontist and have them evaluate the retainer fit if you feel that the fit has recently changed.

Usually if you try to wear it a solid 2 weeks (20 hours a day) and it is a
clear retainer, you should get a good amount of improvement, but there is
Thank you for you questions.
Basically, as we get older our teeth move, that is mother nature! There is a high chance the retainers will be a bit tight due to mild movements (teeth feel comfortable were they were before braces and teeth will be fighting to go back to their original positioned). If retainers are too snug, my advised will be to wear them full time (remove them to eat, drink -unless cold plain water- and brush) for a whole month; this will move them back to the retainers final positioned, and then switch to nights only for lifetime. Hope these help. Thanks!