Pharmaceutical Medicine Questions Pharmacist

I have a cellulitis healing question?

On 9/8 I was prescribed sulfamethoxazole for 7 days twice a day. The pain, swelling, and heat of the initial infection have subsided. It was very large when it was originally diagnosed, softball size on my thigh. I just finished my final antibiotic and it seems like there's redness around the original infection but it doesn't feel the same as when the infection first happened. It's very itchy and feels like a regular rash. Is this something I should be seen about?

Male | 33 years old
Complaint duration: 1
Medications: Sulfamethoxazole
Conditions: Cellulitis

5 Answers

The short answer is yes.
It doesn’t seem to be infected. Try over the counter hydrocortisone first and if no better you need to be seen again.
If the pain and deep redness have gone away, your infection is probably gone. The itching at the edge of the sound is the result of inflammation, which normally causes swelling and itching. That should slowly resolve as your infection goes away.
You need to go back for a follow-up with your doctor, it looks like you may need a longer course of antibiotics and something to help with the itch.
Follow up with the doctor who originally prescribed your medication.