Endocrinology-Diabetes | Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism Questions Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT)

I have a lump when swallowing near suprasternal notch?

Should I be concerned about this lump that now shows up when I swallow right above my suprasternal notch? If I place my fingers on either side of where it is and swallow, I can hear bubbling on the right side only (and I can feel them too). I do have hypothyroidism (controlled by meds for years) and they are checking me for hyperparathyroidism due to slightly high calcium, but we are waiting as I was taking vitamin D supplements, making my D on the high side of normal and they want to be sure that is not edging my Calcium up. I am 5'4" and 125 pounds and am getting a bit of a double chin which also concerns me, as I have heard a goiter can look like a double chin. I have gained 5-8 lbs, but am still on the thin side (age 53, female)

Female | 53 years old
Complaint duration: months/years

6 Answers

I think you need to have Thyroid Ultra sound. Or see endocrinologist who can perform Ultra sound in the office.
Dear patient,

I would consult an ENT doctor for accurate diagnosis. I doubt it has anything to do with thyroid or parathyroid.


Marvin A. Leder, MD FACP F ACE
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A new lump in the neck requires accurate assessment and diagnosis. These cases are typically referred to otolaryngologists, oncologists and endocrinologists depending on initial suspicions. Health providers use history, risk factors, and hands-on physical diagnostic methods first, followed usually by some combination of CT, ultrasound, fiberoptic, nuclear, and biopsy procedures. Lab tests (typically blood, urine) are used to guide the diagnostic sequence. Your history of hypothyroidism suggests the possibility of thyroid nodules or cysts, but tumors of other types, both primary and metastatic, must be considered. The bubbling sound is difficult to interpret, but could represent impingement.
It appears you have multiple endocrine issues and probably have Endocronologist. You should consult with you Endocronologist

Dr Marina Strizhevsky, DO
You have a thyroid nodule and need to see an endocrinologist for an aspiration biopsy. Still, prognosis is good.

Dr. Norwood
Hello and thank you very much for your question.
I would recommend to check a thyroid ultrasound to check your thyroid.

Happy Holidays!
