OB-GYN (Obstetrician-Gynecologist) Questions OB-GYN

I have a question about the gynecologist checkup?

I'm a 23 year old female, I don't have a medical problem. I'm only asking to find out whether it's normal, that when I visit my gynecologist for my regular checkups, the speculum is usually difficult to insert and might hurt. I'm not a virgin just naturally tight I suppose, so it's hard to insert anything unless I'm aroused, so my gynecologist asks me to stimulate myself or asks to do it. Is that a normal procedure in my case?

Female | 23 years old
Complaint duration: 5 years
Medications: none
Conditions: none

4 Answers

Anxiety of gyn exam is very common. It is important to reassure the patient especially if it is their first time. Use the smallest speculum and relaxation of pelvic muscles helps. Generous lubricant will aid the examination.
Yes, that's common. With time and sexual activity, it will improve. Also, use lubrication until things improve.

I would not say this is normal behavior or a normal request from an ObGyn, nor is it professional. Sometimes a different sized speculum can be used or additional lubricant may be added to help with the discomfort.


Michael I. Balat, MD
Dear patient,

I do not have experience with that. I do not agree it’s appropriate for a physician to ask to “stimulate" their patient. I would ask the doctor to use a smallest pediatric speculum easily available and/or use warmed lubricant or ultrasonic gel on the instrument. Be very careful you are seeing a professional who respects boundaries with patients.
Best of luck in finding a doctor with more knowledge and professional demeanor.


Dr. Meshri