Orthopaedic Surgeon Questions Orthopaedic Surgeon

I have a weak leg?

I had the 3rd total knee replacement but after doing therapy one day and the next day my leg was sore. The doctor told me to rest the leg for a few days. Well after after awhile the leg was always so weak I could only walk with a cane or a walker. I tried therapy to strengthen the leg but would never get strong enough.

Male | 87 years old
Complaint duration: 5 years
Medications: blood pressure
Conditions: good

3 Answers

Thanks for your question. Most patients have weak or torn ligaments after years of wear and tear. You need to have prolozone therapy to regenerate your torn ligaments.

Yours sincerely,

Linda Li, MD
You need to have a vascular surgeon check the blood supply to that leg. If that is ok you need to be evaluated by an interventional pain or spine Dr.
Sorry to hear your leg this week. Please definitely discuss this with your most recent surgeon. Three total knee replacement is a daunting thing to undergo. Your birthdate certainly plays a role unfortunately. Leg weakness could also be from pinched nerves in your back. I am confident your surgeon can review much of this. Hang in there. You are clearly a tough individual rate 87 to want to get stronger. Best of luck