Pulmonologist Questions Pulmonologist

I have an enlarged pulmonary artery?

My pulmonary artery is 34mm is this a problem? I also have swollen ankles and mucus.

Male | 42 years old

2 Answers

●Yes it  can be permanently cured with Homeopathy Treatment . ●Very effective medicines are there in Homeopathic ●With my treatment of 1.5 month you will get permanent relief. ●Will prescribe the complete treatment ●You can consult me now through online     Warm regards
Normal pulmonary artery pressure is between 8 and 20mmHg. Your pressure is high and you have signs of pulmonary hypertension. Your ankle swelling and pulmonary congestion are signs of pulmonary hypertension. You need to find a cause. You need to see your doctor or a cardiologist, and get tested. You should have a chest X-ray, a cardiac echo study, and blood work. Do not put this off.