Gastroenterologist Questions Gastroenterologist

I have been having stomach pains and weird periods, could I be pregnant?

I had protected sex in September and the end of December, both times extremely quick with nothing happening during sex. Since the beginning of December, I got my period 11 days early, I got it again at the beginning of January 11 days early. My period in January was a lot lighter than usual, it was still heavier than just spotting but still not as heavy as usual and a little different color. My period ended about a week ago but I’ve seen been spotty a little since. I also have had mini cramps since the end of November, beginning of December, they are just super mild cramps. By the way, I already have stomach issues, I go to the gastro doctor because for years I always throw up easily.

Female | 17 years old
Complaint duration: end of november

1 Answer

It doesn't sound like you are pregnant, but your concerns are best directed to the gyn doctor.
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