Hepatologist Questions Hepatologist

What are the chances something was missed?

I have had a CT scan, MRI, Hida scan, endoscopic ultrasound, 3 ultrasounds 1 Fibroscan, 2 colonoscopies, and 2 endoscopies. What are the chances they missed cirrhosis? I used to drink not daily but binged and now I live in ample fear I’m going to die of that disease. I was told 1 ultrasound found slightly increased hepatic echogenicity and my Fibroscan was 271 and 4.1.

Female | 37 years old
Complaint duration: 11 months on off ruq pain
Medications: None
Conditions: Gastritis

3 Answers


You are a 37 year old woman with a past history of heavy alcohol intake. Now you are having symptoms of RUQ pain for 11 months off and on. Many x-ray exams have been performed and your question is could a diagnosis of cirrhosis be missed.

You can learn much about cirrhosis from the online website “Wikipedia”. Search on cirrhosis and read the intensive discussion of cirrhosis. Basically this is a condition of an inflamed and damaged liver that results in fibrosis of the liver tissue as it tries to heal. There are multiple causes of this condition including alcohol intake. Generally it occurs in people who drink heavily for 10 years. There are also multiple symptoms of liver failure that occur. The diagnosis is based on a biopsy of the liver showing changes diagnostic of this condition. Other causes of liver inflammation including hepatitis can result in this illness.

In general, radiologic tests are quite reliable in identifying changes in the liver from cirrhosis. The treatment is avoiding alcohol or treating the underlying illness.

In general, my thought is that at your age and with your history, a diagnosis of cirrhosis is unlikely. It sounds to me that your doctor or doctors are ordering the appropriate tests to rule in or out liver disease. I am guessing that the results of the x-rays have resulted in the opinions that there is no underlying liver disease or cirrhosis explaining your symptoms.

It might be a good idea for you to obtain counseling to help you compensate for what I perceive is the possibility that you are harboring unresolved guilt feelings about your previous behavior and are not able to improve your quality of life based on your symptoms. I strongly advise you to ask your doctor for a consultation with a mental health professional to help you deal with your symptoms. Avoidance of alcohol is always recommended and I encourage you to continue with this behavior.

Good luck.
The fibroscan E score is too low for cirrhosis. But the best test to diagnose cirrhosis at an early stage is liver biopsy.
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High unlikely anything was missed. The liver panel would be the first to show abnormalities. Critical mass or scarring are late findings.