Ear, Nose and Throat Doctor (ENT) Questions Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT)

I have behind nostril pain?

I have a pain near my root going down to my front tooth. Especially when I apply pressure behind the nostril. I went to the dentist and I have no cavities or abscesses or infections. I went to primary care and got a sinus view x-ray since I have screws and plates there from jaw surgery in 2012. It seems normal. The plates and screws are intact they said.

Female | 38 years old
Complaint duration: 1 month
Conditions: Central serous retinopathy in left eye

3 Answers

There are a lot of possibilities here:

-bacterial infection, which could have started at the hair follicles inside the nose
-soft tissue cyst
-dental root disease/hairline crack/periapical abscess/cyst

Consider having dental X-rays or a cone beam CT of the area at an oral surgery office. People to consider seeing: oral surgery, ENT, another dentist.

Difficult to say without a fiberoptic exam and reviewing X-rays and obtaining more imaging. Recommend seeing an ENT Specialist along with an Oral surgeon.

Dr. D
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Given what you say, this is most likely neurogenic pain. Suggest that you see ENT for second opinion, then a neurologist. I will assume that you have had dental imaging studies.and do not have significant periodontal disease.