Doctor Questions Doctor

ā€œI have pain in my left shoulder when I swallow food or drink?ā€

In April I had a life-changing accident when I fell down a flight of stairs. I ruptured my spleen. Upon closer look, the doctors also found two aneurysms in my splenic aorta. I was airlifted to a bigger hospital. They performed emergency surgery to remove my spleen. During the surgery, they saw the need to also remove about a foot of my colon. After being discharged, I continued to have pain in my abdomen, chest, and left shoulder. I ended up being admitted to the hospital two more times. On the last stay, 22 days, they finally admitted that due to human error I contracted an infection that caused me to develop abscesses in my abdomen. I still have frequent, strange, and excruciating, pains in my abdomen. The almost unbearable pain starts in my left shoulder whenever I eat or drink. With every swallow, it hurts, to the point that the doctors said if I lived a year it would be a miracle. Because of malnutrition. It just hurts to bad to eat or drink. I've gained weight back to a healthy point but still suffer from this excruciating and debilitating pain for up to a week.

Male | 47 years old
Complaint duration: 9 months
Medications: Metformin, Levemir
Conditions: Diabetes, pancreatitis,

2 Answers

Consult Functional Medicine. This can be Candida overgrowth. Start Acupuncture with Moxibustion.
Wow, that is quite the story. Iā€™m so sorry you had such a rough experience. It is difficult to know the exact reason for your pain without looking at the operative reports and imaging. I would recommend you consult with a general surgeon and get contrast-enhanced imaging (X-ray, and CT). I hope you feel better soon!