Cardiologist Questions Cardiologist

I have pain left of the sternum?

A cardiologist gave me a diagnosis of supraventricular tachycardia following the protocol for such symptoms as I was having. That was May this year.

I have a history of low B.P. and have experienced the arrythmia and rapid pulse/ missing beats for maybe 3 years. No medications ever; no supplements..vegan/vegetarian. No animal flesh or eggs. I am 79 years old female. I'm active. 5'4. 110 lbs.

Last month or so, I have noticed a sharp pain..maybe apex of the heart. Sometimes in a different place on the left of the sternum comes and goes. It's becoming more frequent.

Do I need to be concerned?

Female | 79 years old
Complaint duration: Days..
Medications: None
Conditions: supraventricular tachycardia

1 Answer

Consult Cardiology again. Start Vitamin D3 7,000 IU daily and magnesium citrate 400 mg softgel daily. Hemoglobin should be above 13 and Vitamin B12 10 mg lozenges daily, methyl B12.