Dermapathologist Questions Dermapathologist

I have peeling sensitive hands with past rashes?

For the past month and a half, I have experienced sensitivity, peeling, and rashes on my hands. Whenever I wash them they flake and dry up and wrinkle in under a few seconds. I had rashes on my wrists and flaking, but that went lessened after I stopped trying nystatin cream that I believe gave me an allergic reaction. My hands sweat and are cold a lot, and my nails had some banding on them. I can’t touch or squeeze too hard on anything or they get irritated and hurt. They are starting to peel more from nothing being done to them.

Female | 22 years old
Complaint duration: 1 month and 3 weeks
Medications: Clotrimazole for oral thrush

1 Answer

If your symptoms began after starting the Chlortrimazole, that would be the answer. Burning, irritation, sensitivity, peeling, rash are all adverse reactions associated with clotrimazole. If it occurred prior to that, you would need to see either a dermatologist for an ST testing, or an immunologist allergist to find out the causative agent or agents that are resulting in your symptoms.
I hope things improve for you. God bless.

Be well,

Brent Reinheimer, MD
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